Type less and code more
- One of the things that can quickly get you out of the main stream of thought is typing lot of boiler plate code.
I have recently started doing development in IntelliJ IDE and its really awesome [ I am still learning :-) ] and what i have realised is using these live templates really help me focus on the main algorithm rather than getting bogged down by the shear typing involved in implementing the code.
I hope you will really like it.
- Resource - [click here ] Idea-live-templates
Be friends with Alt + Enter / Alt + Insert
These will be undoubtedly the most used keys .Alt + Enter -. Refactor / Imports / TypeCast
Alt + Insert - Getter / Setter / Constructor / Override Methods
Find a particular class by its name : ctrl + n
The cool thing thats happening here is you can actually write only camel letters and give a colon anda number to go to a particular line